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エド・ディーナー博士 (イリノイ大学名誉教授) |
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タル・ベン・シャハー博士 (Happiness Studies Academy 代表) |
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ライル・アンガー博士 (ペンシルベニア大学コンピューター情報科学部教授) |
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マーティン・セリグマン博士 (ペンシルベニア大学ポジティブサイコロジーセンター長) |
Japanese Positive Health Psychology Society (JPHPS) was established in 2012 to promote well-being scientifically in Japan. JPHPS consists of Japanese clinicians and researchers of positive aspects of human functioning, which is the only association to discuss positive psychology academically and scientifically here in Japan.
In 2011 when Dr. Christopher Peterson visited Japan to attend the Anti-aging Medicine Conference as a guest speaker, he encouraged Dr. Tsubota Kazuo, the president of the conference to establish an academic society of positive psychology.
Having Dr. Yutaka Ono, one of the most leading psychiatrists, a pioneer of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Japan as a representative director, several leading medical doctors have established this academic society, which advocates the importance of building well-being proactively for a happy and healthy life.
The association has grown over the past years, including many leading researchers from psychology, social science, political science, neuroscience and so forth since well-being itself is a multidisciplinary subject. The number of the society is more than 300 in January 2020.
JPHPS holds an annual academic conference. So far, JPHPS has invited several leading positive psychologists such as Dr. Richard Ryan, Dr. Andrew Steptoe, Dr. James A. Coan, Dr. Elizabeth Dunn, Dr. Isaac Prilleltensky and so on.
JPHPS also contributes to translation of Positive Psychiatry: A Clinical Handbook edited by Dr. Dilip V. Jeste, Barton W. Palmer.